Color issue with draco loader

I want to render some point cloud objects, the raw files have ply format
I used draco to compress the raw file into drc files
the code bellow loads both compressed and raw data
the problem is that the loaded drc file have lighter and strange colors as shown in the image

var dotMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
				size: 0.06,
				vertexColors: true,
				sizeAttenuation: false,
						.then((geometry) => {
							geometry.scale(0.0006, 0.0006, 0.0006);
							var pointCloud = new THREE.Points(geometry, dotMaterial);
							scene.add( pointCloud );
						.then((geometry) => {
							geometry.scale(0.0006, 0.0006, 0.0006);
							var pointCloud = new THREE.Points(geometry, dotMaterial);
							scene.add( pointCloud );

Maybe you using renderer.outputEncoding=THREE.sRGBEncoding;

I think the editor always has .outputEncoding=THREE.sRGBEncoding enabled, though. :confused:

three.js requires that vertex colors be in Linear-sRGB color space. It looks like your PLY → DRC workflow is creating files that are not in the expected color space, perhaps they are sRGB instead. I don’t think DRC has any material specification to say what the colors should be though, so it’s not really something that THREE.DRACOLoader can fix.

Personally — i would recommend not using the DRC format. Better to use a standard format like glTF, with a defined material specification, and to use Draco compression within your glTF files.