The worst problems are for me if something does run without an error but simply does not work. So maybe someone can help me and tell me what i am doing wrong in my code.
Basically i am trying to detect collisions and have found a solution at the mozila dev side. Unfortunately it is not working so i think i have a misunderstanding here.
In my typescript code i have done the following:
Param: sceneFile : string : path with filename to load
constructor(private gameObject: any) {
this._scene = new Scene();
this.arrOfObstcls = new Array<object>;
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/3D_collision_detection/Bounding_volume_collision_detection_with_THREE.js
// expand THREE.js Sphere to support collision tests vs Box3
// we are creating a vector outside the method scope to
// avoid spawning a new instance of Vector3 on every check
Sphere.__closest = new Vector3();
Sphere.prototype.intersectsBox = function (box: Mesh) {
// get box closest point to sphere center by clamping
Sphere.__closest.set(this.center.x, this.center.y, this.center.z);
Sphere.__closest.clamp(box.min, box.max);
const distance = this.center.distanceToSquared(Sphere.__closest);
return distance < this.radius * this.radius;
private collision() {
const playerBox = this._scene.getObjectByName('PlayerBoxObj');
const knotBBox = new Box3(
const specialPill = this._scene.getObjectByName('Pill3Obj');
const knotBSphere = new Sphere(specialPill.position,
specialPill.geometry.boundingSphere.radius );
if(knotBSphere.intersectsBox(knotBBox)) {
console.log('Kontakt !!!');
the collision method is called in my update.function. But the collision is not logged to the console. What is the problem ?
Kind regards and happy new year