Cloth physics to gltf

If I made a dress in MD or Blender and put it on a character model and exported it in FBX mode, how do I get the clothes on the model to display the correct physical properties of the fabric on the web page.

let loader = new FBXLoader(),
							geo = null;
					loader.load( '/models/wutai/man2.fbx', function ( object ) {
						object.traverse(function(child) {
								if (child.isMesh) {
									if('body') !== -1) {
										child.material = deepTexture ("/models/wutai/texture/body@0002.jpg") 
									} else {
										// cloth
										geo = child.geometry
									child.castShadow = true;
									child.receiveShadow = true;
						createSoftVolume(geo , 15 , 500)	

By “physical properties” do you mean animation, shape, and movement of the cloth? Or the material appearance and color?

The first is extremely hard, there is no short answer to that question. The second requires PBR materials, which Blender can export but FBX does not really support well. It is better to use glTF for PBR materials.

Yes, it’s hard to estimate the fabric properties of the clothes when the character model is on the runway.

  • Hello, I used the library modifiers, but I got an error
    My code:
  • ‘Cloth’ defines Geometry in the FBX model
let mesh = new THREE.Mesh( cloth, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xFFFFFF } ) );
modifier = new ModifierStack(mesh);

Print an error

Cannot read property 'count' of undefined

hi, how do you mean by fiddle. The gltfloader?