I have a 3D object and a cube mesh, added mesh as a child to 3D object. Now I want to change position of 3D object inside mesh so that I can control pivot points of the cube mesh. Here is the codepen https://codepen.io/abnormalcoder/pen/bGGzWVW
Thanks for the reply. I’m using the second option provided in your link, took a 3D object and added cube mesh to it. And I want to move 3D object position inside cube mesh. Whenever I update3D object position it gets updated in scene along with cube mesh. I want cube mesh to stay stable while I change 3D object position inside cube mesh. I hope this is clear now.
@Mugen87 i am using the something same but i am seeing that my group position is chaging but not its decendent means
control = new Trans…
here this group contain some meshes cubes.
but the position is group is updated but the meshes position is not please can you help me in this