Hi! I have a super simple model here:
test.glb (3.8 KB)
It has a simple shape key animation that I created in Blender.
I exported it to gltf, loaded it in my scene, but the animation won’t play and I can’t figure out why. And I know that it should be working because when I view the model in @donmccurdy 's gltf viewer, the animation plays perfectly. Something is wrong with my code and I’m not sure what, there is no errors in the log and it’s all being executed properly.
I’ve used similar code like this before but it was for an armature animation. So maybe I need to do something different because it’s a shape key animation? I really have no idea what’s going on here. Could anyone possibly try running the code themselves and see if you can get it to work?
loader.load(models("./test.glb"), (gltf) => {
let mixer = new AnimationMixer(gltf.scene);
let loading = mixer.clipAction(getAnimation(gltf, "loading2"));
loading.loop = LoopRepeat;
function getAnimation(gltf, name){
var result;
gltf.animations.forEach((animation) => {
if (animation.name===name) {
result = animation
if (result == null) {
console.error("animation: "+name+" cannot be found!")
return result