I’m having a difficult time trying to make CameraControls act as a first-person camera. I’ve tried following the example in the CameraControls GitHub, but for some reason, the camera never wants to stay stationary; its position always changes, especially on rotation.
I cannot use FirstPersonControls because I cannot restrict the horizontal rotation. Whenever I do, it messes up the camera’s initial position, and I would instead not use PointerLockControls.
const controlsRef = useRef<CameraControls>(null);
const cameraRef = useRef<PerspectiveCamera>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (controlsRef.current) {
const controls = controlsRef.current;
controls.minDistance = 0;
controls.maxDistance = 0;
controls.dollyToCursor = false;
controls.mouseButtons.wheel = 16; // CameraControls.ACTION.ZOOM
controls.touches.two = 8192; // CameraControls.ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK
controls.minPolarAngle = Math.PI / 3;
controls.maxPolarAngle = (2 * Math.PI) / 3;
controls.azimuthRotateSpeed = -0.3;
controls.polarRotateSpeed = -0.3;
}, []);
useFrame((state) => {
const delta = state.clock.getDelta();
const controls = controlsRef.current;
if (controls) {
return (
<color attach="background" args={["#0a0a0a"]} />
<CameraControls camera={cameraRef.current!} ref={controlsRef} />
<perspectiveCamera ref={cameraRef} position={[0, 2, 5]} fov={75} />