Calculate UV Scale reliably based on mesh scaling

I’ve been looking into ways of adjusting the UVs of a mesh based on it’s scaling, to avoid the texture looking all stretchy.

Basically something like this:

I’ve found a good solution to this problem by @PavelBoytchev :

But sadly, this does not work reliably for every case:

Notice how for (non-box-shaped) meshes with a smaller y scaling, the UVs of angled faces do not match with the UVs of the rest of the mesh.

Is there a solution for correctly calculating the UVs of a mesh, no matter the scaling?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Also tagging @PavelBoytchev since he shared the code in the first place.

For a robust solution you need much more complex algorithm (like triplanar mapping, 3D textures, etc).

For this specific case, you may need to recalculate the normal vectors – they were not recalculated in the original demo, because it was not needed that much.



Thank you! Recalculating normals was enough for my use case, as I’m not working with super complex meshes, where I do would have to resort to triplanar mapping.

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