Boxing Gym Project

Here is my latest project. I had a lot of fun :slight_smile:
I hope you will like it !
:boxing_glove: Demo here :boxing_glove:


This is amazing, it’s one of the best scenes rendered in three.js that I’ve seen. Would love to explore the code if you plan to make it available.


Hey Thank you man appreciate it :wink:
Here is my repo
Enjoy :wink:


I agree this is fascinatingly good. The effect composition especially, tasteful. :+1:

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Beautiful effects!

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The rendering quality is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that would compare. The style of graphics reminded me of Fallout :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much! I appreciate the reference :slight_smile:

I get this error. Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier β€œthree”. Relative references must start with either β€œ/”, β€œ./”, or β€œβ€¦/”. How to solve this?