Best particle system

Rohan -

Thank you for three-nebula – such an excellent contribution to the three.js world. Your GPU Sprite code is now highly performant (on desktop and mobile).

We are developing particle effects with both your designer app and hand-crafted JSON. I suspect we will also need to make direct calls to your engine to get the results we want. I hope the tech we need is in there.

Specifically, we need to create world space particle systems.

When you want a trail of smoke (or bubbles, in our case) to be left behind a moving emitter, the particles must be released from the emitter’s local coordinate system and animate through the game’s world space,

Although I see that your code maintains a WorldMatrix, I do not see how we can tell the renderer to respect it. Even the “Gravity” behavior, for example, only moves the particle along the Local Y vector. (If you are lucky, this approximates the World Y - which is where gravity really aligns)

Is there a way to emit particles into World Space?

If not, can you suggest a workaround, or an approach to an experimental nebula branch??

Sorry if I am a moron – but we have looked for days and found no clue!

Thanks again for your phenomenal work!

Hi devs,

Please check out three.quarks.
Alchemist0823/three.quarks - GitHub
It’s actively maintained particle system engine that supports a lot rendering optimization and almost have feature parity with unity shuriken particle system. It’s very actively maintained over the last few years. we also launch Quarks VFX Platform where you can edit your particle system online. also download vfx from marketplace, share vfx with others.

And recently we just launched unity particle system converter to convert unity asset to three.quarks particle system. I made a tutorial here