am new to threejs
i created a shape start from am image now i want to apply this image to this shape
The source image:
the generated shape:
please guide me to any tutorial or references that may help me
Thank you
am new to threejs
i created a shape start from am image now i want to apply this image to this shape
The source image:
please guide me to any tutorial or references that may help me
Thank you
This may put you on a right track.
i have been trying for two days no success until now
Would be great to provide/show the code of what you tried.
An editable live code example is even better. (jsfiddle, codepen, github repo etc.)
That what i have done until now
Beta1 (
If you change assignUVs()
to this:
function assignUVs(geometry) {
geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] = [];
let box = new THREE.Box3().setFromPoints(geometry.vertices);
let boxSize = new THREE.Vector3();
geometry.faces.forEach(function(face) {
var v1 = geometry.vertices[face.a];
var v2 = geometry.vertices[face.b];
var v3 = geometry.vertices[face.c];
new THREE.Vector2((v1.x - box.min.x) / boxSize.x, (box.max.z - v1.z) / boxSize.z),
new THREE.Vector2((v2.x - box.min.x) / boxSize.x, (box.max.z - v2.z) / boxSize.z),
new THREE.Vector2((v3.x - box.min.x) / boxSize.x, (box.max.z - v3.z) / boxSize.z)
geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true;
You’ll get a nicely textured shape:
Wow that is awesome it works i really appreciate that i was fighting with it for a days Thank you , you are my hero <3
You’re welcome
THREE.Geometry is deprecated now
What to do?
Uset BufferGeometry
, BufferAttribute
and their methods (.getX, .getY, .setXYZ etc).
Vertices’ coordinates: geometry.attributes.position
UVs: geometry.attributes.uv
(if you don’t have it in your geometry, then add it with .setAttribute()
Depends on the type of your geometry - indexed or non-indexed - use geomery.index
or geometry.attributes.position
directly. A face defined by a tripled of vertices (again, by .index
or .attributes.position