Hi all! I’m trying to make my textures get applied with the same image size throughout all the texture.
Making the mesh taller stretches the image, since it still wants to have one image per face.
This is the result I’m getting right now (I know it is the intended one). Same repetition applied but the image on the sides of the table shrinks. I would like to have so that no matter what the size of the face is, the image keeps the same aspect ratio (so even if I had a repeatX and repeat Y of 1, the image would not be 1 per face).
I tried setting the UV of the geometry according to the size of the mesh but without any luck:
function assignUVs(meshRef: Node) {
if (!meshRef.current) return
const boundingBox = new Box3().setFromObject(meshRef?.current)
const size = boundingBox.getSize(new Vector3())
meshRef.current.material.userData.fitTo = size.x / size.y
console.log('test', meshRef.current.material.userData.fitTo)
if (meshRef.current.material.userData.fitTo > 0) {
var geometry = meshRef.current.geometry
var textureFitTo = meshRef.current.material.userData.fitTo
var uvs = geometry.getAttribute('uv').array
for (var i = 0; i < uvs.length; i += 2) {
var u = uvs[i]
var v = uvs[i + 1]
var newU = u / textureFitTo
var newV = v / textureFitTo
uvs[i] = newU
uvs[i + 1] = newV
geometry.getAttribute('uv').needsUpdate = true
But without any luck. The only instance where I was able to get this right is with walls and floors in my app, where I would basically multiply the width and height of the mesh with the repetition factor, so the repetition adapts to the size of the mesh, giving this result:
The size of the images with a wall of width 2000 and 4000 is the same. But I cannot apply this my furniture meshes since I do not know (and if I’m not wrong, I can’t know) the size of all the faces, since the first model is a GLB model.
So how would I be able to to achieve this result on all my furniture? Is this even posible via standalone Three? I’ve read managing seams on Blender can fix this, but I do not know if this is going to give me the same result as with my walls.
Any help or indications on this topic are highly appreciated!
Edit: my furniture can have any shape, round, spheric, triangle… and the surface is not always flat