prisoner849 looking at this example: MotionAlongCurve
I see one class - CurveModifier.
import {Flow} from “…/jsm/CurveModifier.128.js”;
Is this a self-written class?
I see. I understand. Well I just say. gsap is an easy alternative, you can combine gsap with threejs. for example . the last part (the bottom of the page) are two spotlights looping.
Mmm… for the “the bed sheet people” I think is a model made with blender then cloned, then the animation of walking are playing infinte whit animation mixer of walking. the change of ther position are random but you have to put a conditional that check the proximation of each to avoid colapse, another way is using physics that push the others in a another random direction. scene has fog and shadows enabled. the ground is a plane with texture and height map, the water is a shader.
Perhaps the reason I still think that gsap is a good alternative is because I have not yet come across something complex enough that I cannot replicate it. In fact, I have only used gsap in simple patterns. But, for example, the prisioner849 example can be replicate with gsap and a mathematical formula. Anyway, maybe you’re right, after all I have little time to start learning threejs :3
three.js examples there is a splineditor in the examples. when u have this spline u can move ur object with transform animations position rotation from the exported vectors from the spline