Animated old postcards

Hello everyone

For the Burgundy region (France), I used three.js to illustrate the history of hydrotherapy in the city of Luxeuil-les-Bains. The core of the project is a virtual model of the city district made from postcards and old photos. But the most original use of three.js on this project is certainly the animation of old postcards in 3D. You can consult them by clicking from the model on points number 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10.

The work consisted of finding the point of view of the photograph and modeling the volumes, then extracting the textures of the old photo by compensating for deformation of perspective. The movement is limited in order to stay close to the original point of view: finally, the 3D model is quite close to a theater set with different planes arranged in space.

Interactivity brings these old postcards back to life!



Very good application of three.js. I liked the work. :wink: