I’ve used three.js to build an Earth with a flyby animation. I’m trying to place an object on the Earth, given a set of longitude and latitude coordinates. I’ve been closely examining this code on JSFiddle, which in fact does what I want. In my case, I’m trying to add a ground station to the Earth, to no avail.
Each time I inspect the console, I see the Earth has a “children” array that includes a GroundStation, which includes the source of the sprite I’m trying to use as the image. However, nothing shows up on the screen. I’ve tried to scale the ground station to enormous proportions just to be able to see it but I cannot see it on the screen. How do I get this image added to the screen at the correct location and get it to actually show up?
Here is the GroundStation code:
import * as THREE from 'three';
export class GroundStation extends THREE.Object3D {
name: string;
// fields for visualization
position: THREE.Vector3;
raycaster: THREE.Raycaster;
scene: THREE.Scene;
sprite: THREE.Sprite;
geometry: THREE.Geometry;
constructor() {
this.name = 'GroundStation';
const map = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('assets/images/icon_radar.png');
const spmaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({ map: map, color: 0xffffff });
this.sprite = new THREE.Sprite(spmaterial);
this.sprite.scale.set(20, 10, 10);
This is called from the Earth method, ‘addGroundStation’:
addGroundStation(lat: number, long: number) {
const gs = new GroundStation();
const latRad = lat * (Math.PI / 180);
const lonRad = -long * (Math.PI / 180);
const r = 10;
gs.position.set(Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(lonRad) * r, Math.sin(latRad) * r, Math.cos(latRad) * Math.sin(lonRad) * r);
gs.rotation.set(0.0, -lonRad, latRad - Math.PI * 0.5);
And the Earth class is used when I create a new instance of the earth in the Home Component:
this.earth = new Earth();
// add Groundstation
this.earth.addGroundStation(40.712700, -74.005900); // New York (Testing)
I’ve been on this for two days I cannot find the reason the ground station is not showing up. Any help is greatly appreciated!