3D Model not loading on android device

I have very recently started a website. One of the pages has a 3d model that I made in Blender 2.79 and exported as a .glb file with glTF-Blender-IO. In my code is the THREE.GLTFLoader. The model was made using the metal/rough PBR. Everything works absolutely fine on desktop, and even on iOS devices, however not on Android devices (tested on my own phone, and on several others with the LambdaTest cross-browser tool). The 3D model simply does not show up in Android. I get the following error:

THREE.WebGLProgram: shader error:1282 35715 false
gl.getProgramInfoLog invalid shaders
WARNING: 0: 1: 'GL_OES_standard_derivatives': extension is not supported

You could see this on a live server with the following link https://equinoxwebdesign.be/expo58.html
After a couple of seconds a model of a sideboard should load. As I said: works fine on desktop, but not on Android.
I have searched the web for an answer, but found nothing relevant.
I posted a similar question on stackoverflow.


I can only say what I’ve already said at stackoverflow:

I can’t reproduce this on a Pixel 1 (Android 10). Can you please try it with R111 ?

If it works with R111, you have to stay on this version. The new PBR implementation relies on GL_OES_standard_derivatives. Older devices do unfortunately not support this WebGL (1) extension.

Using WebGL 2 should also solve the issue (if the device supports it).