I think we’ve got it! Thanks guys!
I took my first Pen and tempered a bit with it to see what does and what does not help to get those shadows. Let’s summerize all findings:
- When using Directional Light, you do need a customDepthMaterial
- When using PointLight, you do need a customDistanceMaterial
- It does not matter if you modify a material using onBeforeCompile, or take the shaders from THREE.ShaderLib, modify them and feed them to ShaderMaterial.
- The light.shadow settings are very important and can break your shadows.
Here is the pen I used to test some combinations: https://codepen.io/fedorvaneldijk/pen/OYYNow
One more question remains: the cubes now cast shadows, but they are not receiving shadows. To me this is a lesser issue, but while we are at it… any ideas?