I’ve used the following hack to run GLTFExporter in Node.js —
const THREE = require('three');
const Canvas = require('canvas');
const { Blob, FileReader } = require('vblob');
// Patch global scope to imitate browser environment.
global.window = global;
global.Blob = Blob;
global.FileReader = FileReader;
global.THREE = THREE;
global.document = {
createElement: (nodeName) => {
if (nodeName !== 'canvas') throw new Error(`Cannot create node ${nodeName}`);
const canvas = new Canvas(256, 256);
// This isn't working — currently need to avoid toBlob(), so export to embedded .gltf not .glb.
// canvas.toBlob = function () {
// return new Blob([this.toBuffer()]);
// };
return canvas;
// https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/9562
At the time I didn’t find a fix for canvas.toBlob()
, so you cannot go directly to .glb
, but export to .gltf
should work. There are various tools (e.g. https://glb-packer.glitch.me/) for packing glTF to GLB if needed.