How to create sine-wave groove in ring geometry with extrudegeometry?

Welcome to “Using ThreeJS API In Ways It Is Not Supposed To Be Used Late Night Show”, I am your host electric hamster - and this is one way of doing it.

(1) Create a super chunky doughnut using TorusGeometry:

(2) Assume some ring width (ex. 0.5, remember this number for later) and subtract it from Torus’ second argument in the constructor. Or just put a super-tiny number there - like 0.000001.

(3) Create a displacement map (black and white map - black parts stay untouched, white parts will be “pushed outwards”.) This is a default UV mapping torus geometry uses:

^ This is also the displacement map used in the example, be sure to use smooth gradients since Torus’ surface is 100% smooth angles.

(4) Apply as MeshStandardMaterial (or any other that supports displacement):

new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
  displacementMap: displacementMap,
  displacementScale: .5 // <- here goes the number you picked in point (2)

Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 20.40.31

Note: If you want the profile of the ring to be configurable, it should be enough to use CanvasTexture and a few canvas gradients.