EffectComposer with scene background

it seems to me bloompass is generally misunderstood. even the official examples. all you need to do is set up a single bloom pass, no extra shaders no copy pass no layers no traversal no double rendering.

  1. set up bloom with a threshold of 1 (nothing gets bloomed)
  2. push material colors into hd range, so what previously used to be color.set(1, 0, 0) for red now could be .set(10, 0, 0) or higher/lower for more or less intense glow.
  3. disable tonemapping

and that is it, every material whose color goes into hd range now glows, every other material won’t!

this works even for bright scenes which i guess is what you’re after, it does not affect it as long as it’s in 0-1 range bloom hdr workflow, high key - CodeSandbox

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